
“Children are a heritage from the Lord”
- Psalm 157:3

Scripture is clear that parents have been given the joy and responsibility of raising their children in the ways of Jesus. We desire to partner with you as you disciple your children. We offer several ways for your children to be involved in worship.

Children’s Ministries

  • Nursery

    Our nursery is a place where babies, toddlers and parents feel comfortable. Designed for children birth through 2 years old, it is staffed with caring and trained volunteers who are focused on making sure children are cared for, loved and accepted. This is a place for your child to play and have fun with children their own age during the Sunday School hour and the worship service.

    Drop Off:

    Please check-in at the station outside the nursery to sign-in and sign-out their child. Child must be dropped off and picked up by a parent or legal guardian and must have their sticker with them at pick-up.

  • Sunday School

    This is a place for children to learn and study the Bible on their level. Classes are broken down by age groups so that the children can participate on an age-appropriate level. There are three Sunday School classes: one for preschool, a younger elementary class for kindergarten through first grade, and one for upper elementary aged kids in second through fourth grade.

  • Worship Grow Room

    Our church delights to have all generations worship together. As a help to families with young children, we offer a Worship Grow Room during the worship service in the Preschool Sunday School Room. This is a space that parents can use to train their children for worship, equipped with chairs and a livestream of the service.

  • Worship Packs

    Activity packs are provided to help your child connect during the worship service. These packs include an activity sheet, crayons, and snacks. Please return the bag after the service.

    There are bags for guests and individual bags for regular attendees and members. Please contact Children’s Ministry Director, Molly Hurst (, if you would like an individualized bag.

  • Kameron's Korner

    Our church's Children's and Family Library, Kameron's Korner, has books for our littlest ones, elementary children, teens and parents including biographies, science books, theology, fiction, non-fiction, devotionals, parenting and more.   Every book has been carefully chosen with high standards.  We hope that you will look to see what's available, and that this library will be a blessing for your family. 

    If you have questions, reach out to Molly Hurst or Michael Ovack. 

    To see all the resources and books that are available in our Family and Children's Library click HERE.

All of our children’s ministry volunteers have been background checked, screened and approved through MinistrySafe. To learn more about MinistrySafe and the safety and health policies we have in place to protect our little ones and their families, follow the link below.