Sunday School
Sunday School meets from 9:00-9:45am each week, followed by a fellowship time from 9:45-10:15am. We offer classes for every age, from our youngest members to our young at heart, where we can grow, learn and worship together in an age-appropriate setting.
1-3 John, Jude
Description: In our secular culture, tolerance is considered a supreme value. However, this tolerance is used to endorse a wide variety of viewpoints that don't line up with the Scriptures. And if Christians aren't discerning, those unbiblical viewpoints can seep into the church! The apostle John and Jesus' brother, Jude, dealt with this danger, and their responses help prepare us to respond as well. By studying their letters we learn what it means to be faithful to Jesus as we fellowship together in a fallen world.
Haggai, Malachi
The Parables of Jesus
I and II Timothy
“Living In A Pluralistic Society" by Tim Keller
Youth Sunday School
Sunday School for Children
Youth Sunday School classes are broken into middle and high school classes:
Middle School (5th-8th grade)
High School (9th-12th grade)
Children’s Sunday School Classes:
Nursery- 0-2 years old
Preschool- 3-4 years old
Kindergarten-1st Grade
Second-Fourth Grade