What We Believe
We like to identify ourselves as a new church with ancient faith. But, what exactly do we mean by that?
Although we are a relatively “new” church (planted in 2001), we are not new in our beliefs. We are in the stream of the historic Christian church from centuries past and hold to all the vintage creeds of the universal church (e.g. Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed).
We are committed to the system of doctrine summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith along with the Shorter and Larger Catechisms (est. 1648). We readily acknowledge the wider family of God and appreciate the work of God’s Spirit in traditions other than our own. While we gladly stand unified with other Christ-worshiping and gospel-believing (evangelical) churches, we are not fundamentalist (truth-without-grace) nor liberal (grace-without-truth).
The purpose of Christ Our Hope church is to know and offer the power of Christ’s hope.
What that purpose looks like is described in our three-part vision, to be: conformed to Christ, courageous in life, compelled to serve.
We work out this purpose and vision in practical ways through our Ministry Commitments: Biblical worship, discipleship education, covenant community, empowering mercy, intentional outreach.
Semi-annually, we hold our new members’ class, “Discover Hope.” In it, we work out the details of who we are as a church and what God is calling us to particularly.
If you are interested in church membership, please contact one of our pastors.