Women of Christ Our Hope
The women’s ministry at Christ Our Hope church gives women the opportunity to study the Word as we live alongside one another in community, supporting and caring for each other as we seek to glorify God and enjoy Him. This takes many forms, and we would love to have you join us!
Women’s Bible Studies
Women’s Bible Study Begins Jan. 7,8
Topic: 2 Samuel
Tuesday mornings 9:30am-11:30am
Wednesday evenings 7pm-8:30pm
Shepherdess Ministry
The Shepherdess ministry is comprised of mature sisters in Christ who endeavor to walk alongside other ladies in the church who may be experiencing a time of need and want of support in any way in their day to day walk. The Shepherdess ministry is overseen by the elders and, of course, the Senior Pastor as we support our dear sisters in the Christian walk. Contact can be made through any of the elders, pastors or Tamara Brooks.