The Senior Network
The Senior Network (TSN) is building a community of support for seniors. TSN engages dozens of volunteers to provide home repairs, transport for medical and shopping purposes, companionship, and gospel witness. At least five times each month, TSN brings social events to senior living communities in Wake Forest and surrounding areas. It distributes brochures with messages of encouragement and ways to seek help at senior centers, restaurants, and grocery stores.
Partner Updates
Hope & Vine
Hope + Vine serves young women who have aged out of foster care. As they are seeking to become productive adults, they face a housing crisis, many have mental health challenges, and several are parenting with little support. Too many of their peers have become homeless or been victims of trafficking. They need to know that someone has their backs and believes in them.
While in Hope + Vine, these women have access to mental health services, earn a living wage, learn job and life skills, and are part of a community that mentors them in obtaining safe housing and pursuing further employment opportunity. With office support, volunteers, and funding, Christ Our Hope has done much to help Hope + Vine enter its fifth year of ministry.
Partner Updates
Luke Alliance
Focuses on advancing the impact of the gospel and advocating for the just treatment of imprisoned and persecuted Chinese Christians.
Child Voice
Addresses the urgent needs of children in conflict zones, where over 25 areas are affected by war. ChildVoice works to restore the voices of young victims, as armed conflict increasingly impacts children, including the recruitment of child soldiers and targeted attacks on education.
We partner with FEED, a ministry of North Wake Church, whose mission is to reach the less fortunate of Wake County by providing for both their physical and spiritual needs. Christ Our Hope volunteers are helping to expand services of the food pantry at North Wake Church. Each volunteer would serve one Saturday a month at the North Wake Church food pantry or shop for the pantry on another day.
Milk and eggs, canned fruit, tuna and chicken, baking, hygiene and cleaning supplies are among the items visitors can choose. Volunteer shoppers add items based on visitors’ choices and requests. Volunteers pray together, get to know visitors' needs and pray for each of them. Visitors are invited to worship services and alerted to counseling resources. Some visitors have come regularly over many years, while others have responded to the outreach initiated through our Partners in Mission.
You can help this outreach with prayer and donations of:
· Cooking oil, flour, and sugar
· Paper towels and toilet paper
· Cereal and rice
· Canned fruit, chicken, and fish
· Laundry detergent, dish soap, and personal hygiene items
Contact Kieran Sharpe (703-944-8625) for a time to tour FEED or to arrange to hand off such donations after Sunday worship.
Partner Updates
The Future of Partners in Mission
We plan to use mailings, events and social media to build relationships with North White Street area and other neighbors. Our long-term vision includes ESL classes, job networking, and skill development as well as discipling for church membership in addition to the food pantry.
Contact Kieran Sharpe (703-944-8625) if you'd like to volunteer or have questions.
God has graciously allowed us to be part of what He is doing in our city, country and world. We have been given the privilege to support local and global organizations. Some of the organizations we are involved with and have supported are listed below.
Feed ministry
Mission to the World