Sunday Evening Worship

Sunday Evening Sermon Series:

The Identity and Attributes of God

When is Evening Worship each month?

  • 2nd Sunday of each month at 203 Capcom Ave. Suite 114, Wake Forest, NC 27587

  • Begins January 14, 2024

  • Replacing Life Group meetings that week

Recent Evening Sermons

What does the Evening Worship night look like?

A family worship night (no childcare will be offered):

  • Worship at 4:30 p.m.

  • Fellowship meal (potluck style) from 5:15-6 p.m.

  • The church will provide drinks and flatware.

  • Families will bring: Varies Each Month

With topical sermons and a fellowship meal, Sunday Evening worship will be a good opportunity to invite friends, classmates or coworkers!

Why are we having monthly Evening Worship?

  1. To set apart the entire day for Worship

    The Lord’s Day isn’t meant to just be a few hours in the morning for worshiping God. The whole day is a gift from the Lord to be used for His glory and our good. This practice of gathering both in the morning and the evening helps us to remember to set aside the entire Lord’s Day to rest so that we might worship the Lord.

  2. To hear from God’s Word

    At the heart of the Evening Worship night is an opportunity to be blessed again with the study of God’s Word. Unlike Sunday mornings, our Sunday evening service will not be walking through a single book of the Bible. Instead, we will have preaching on a topic, bringing in wisdom from across the Scriptures.

  3. To sing together

    The music in our Evening Worship night will focus on the rich history of hymns of the Christian church. Jamin and Ellyn Rager will be primarily leading music, with simple arrangements that bring out the wisdom of our brothers and sisters who have put the Scriptures to song. We have the privilege of passing this same knowledge through song on to the next generation.

  4. To fellowship

    As our church grows, the meal portion of Evening Worship night gives us a regular, unhurried time to connect with other members of the church.

    To learn about the ministries and supported ministries of the church

  5. We will receive a mercy offering during the Evening Worship night which will go to benefit one of the ministries that our church supports. Before this collection, we will hear an update on this ministry, and be encouraged at how the Lord is at work in our community and world.

Please plan to bring your family and those who need to hear about our great God to this monthly worship service!