Sunday Morning Worship
We meet on Sunday mornings at
203 Capcom Avenue, Wake Forest, NC 27587
9:00am Sunday School for all ages
9:45am Community Fellowship time
10:15am Worship Service
Come as you are. We are a pretty casual church. You’ll see people in jeans, shorts and occasionally ties. Our worship service is an accessible mix of contemporary songs, traditional hymns, corporate prayer, Scripture readings, and Gospel-centered sermons. In all things, we seek to honor the name of Jesus Christ and make Him known. You can also expect to feel welcomed by friendly church members who can answer any questions you may have.
Celebration of Lord's Supper
We will eat the Lord’s Supper each week. Please prepare your hearts weekly for this special time of God's grace.
Generosity Moment
Each week, there is a special time in the service called the ‘Generosity Moment’. The ‘Generosity Moment’ focuses on various church initiatives and ways you can donate your time, treasures, and talents to the mission of Christ Our Hope Church. For more information on how to financially give to the church click here.
Means of Grace
In our corporate worship, we place a high value on what the Reformed call the “means of grace.” They come from Acts 2:42 and are the preaching of the Word, the fellowship of the saints, the corporate prayers and the Lord’s Supper. In this booklet are practical instructions on how to receive the grace the Lord delivers through these means.