Upcoming Events

Women's Day-Treat
Women's Day-Treat: Ladies, you are invited to our 2025 Day-Treat, right here in Wake Forest! Please join us as we spend the day connecting with one another and hear from guest speaker Nora Hale to learn more about what it means to be a Biblical Woman in the 21st Century. We will meet April 5 from 10am-4pm at the Wake Forest Community House, 133 W. Owen Avenue. The cost is $20 per person. Lunch is included. Space is limited, so please register by Sunday, March 16th to secure your spot. To register, sign up in the church lobby or complete this online registration form. Learn more about Nora here: https://ses.edu/people/nora-hale/

Spring Family Fun Day
The Spring family fun day is on April 26th from 11-2 at Beaverdam #23. Bring your own picnic and come and enjoy games and an Egg Hunt for the children.

Annual Chili Cookoff and Variety Show
Come enjoy some tasty chili and a variety show on Saturday, Jan. 25 at church at 4:30pm. If you want to participate in the Chili Cook-Off or Talent Show please email events@christourhopechurch.com.

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God

Youth Friendsgiving
RSVP and Sign-up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090A49AFA823A75-52434152-2024
Braddy's Home

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God

Men's Retreat
Don't miss out on this opportunity for fellowship, studying God's Word using the book, The Masculine Mandate, and eating really good food together. Event Dates: November 8 - 10, 2024 Address: Lake Gaston (Contact Glen McClure for address) Cost: $75 (Make checks out to Christ Our Hope and indicate in the "For Line': Men's Retreat) A Men's Ministry Tee Shirt and the book, Masculine Mandate, is included in the price of the retreat. Scholarships are available. Contact Glen McClure at men@christourhopechurch.com if you have any questions, want to sign-up or need information regarding scholarships. PLEASE RESPOND BY OCTOBER 16, 2024
Special Note: There are enough beds for 15 men to have a separate bed. However, you can bring an air mattress and therefore we have room for as many who want to attend.

Fall Family Fun Day
Mark it on your calendar: We will gather from 1-5pm on Sat. 10/26 at Beaver Dam Park at Falls Lake ( Shelter #23.) for fellowship and food. Please RSVP and sign up to bring food/games HERE.

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God

Men's Fall Kick-Off Dinner
The men will have a kick-off dinner with smoked Ribs/Pork Butt along with an intro to their fall study of the book of Revelation on Wed. Sept 11 at church.
RSVP by Sept. 4: Email men@christourhopechurch.com to RSVP.

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God

Sunday School Year Kick-Off
We all will gather a bit early as a church family on September 8 to celebrate this time with coffee/muffins beginning at 8:45am, then, at 9am, we will move to the sanctuary to introduce our SS teachers/classes and pray. If you would like to help with muffins please sign up HERE.

Women's Fall Kick Off/Baby Welcome
Ladies, join us on Saturday, August 24th from 10am-12pm at Tonya Brown's home Come learn more about the ministries that Christ Our Hope offers for our women as we enjoy brunch together. We will also spend some time celebrating, loving on, and praying over our newest additions and moms-to-be. Our new moms will receive a gift from the church; your presence is all that is requested. Please RSVP to women@christourhopechurch.com by 8/21 so that we can plan accordingly for food.

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God

Youth Jam Session
Youth Jam Session- July 31 4-8pm at John Mainey's Home- All youth are invited

Youth Lake Day at Falls Lake
Contact info: youth@christourhopechurch.com
We're excited to announce our Fun Day at Falls Lake on July 20, 2024! This is a fantastic opportunity for COH youth and their families to enjoy a day filled with fun activities, great food, and fellowship.
What’s Happening:
Who: COH youth and their families. Parents, please oversee younger children. Youth are welcome to bring friends (don’t forget the medical release form!).
Activities: Tubing on the lake, swimming (at your discretion, no lifeguards), and a delicious hot dog lunch.
Where: Falls Lake, Sandling Beach 14813 Creedmoor Rd., Wake Forest, NC 27587
We’ll be at Picnic Shelter #5. Follow the road past the main beach parking lot to the 2nd parking area on the left. There’s a $7.00 per car entrance fee ($5.00 if you have a senior citizen in the car), so carpooling is encouraged. Our shelter location is quite an improvement from last year. We have bathrooms right at the shelter and our boat access will be from a beach area right next door.
Saturday, July 20th Activities are from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. but feel free to arrive at 9:00 a.m. to help set up. Our shelter is rented until 8:00 p.m., so you can stay as long as you like!
What to Bring:
Water shoes or old sneakers, a towel, a modest bathing suit (one-piece for girls, and t-shirts when not in the water for all youth).
A side dish or dessert to share. Please include a serving spoon. The church will provide hot dogs, plates, napkins, ice, and water bottles. Sign up here.
Lawn chairs and lawn games (frisbee, trackball, nerf ball, etc.).
Your life vest if you have one for a custom fit (we’ll provide some too).
We Need Volunteers! We need adults to help grill hotdogs, set up food, clean up, and monitor youth. Sign up here.
Important: All youth (including guests) must have a Medical Release Form on file. Get the form here or pick up a hard copy at the church.
We can't wait to spend the day with you at Falls Lake! It’s going to be a blast, so mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable day of fun in the sun.

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God

Mark's Gospel Live Onstage
Mark’s Gospel performed live on stage at “The Graham”, home of Firebox Theatre Company in Downtown Wake Forest
Invite friends and family to spend an evening in downtown Wake Forest for an unforgettable performance.
Experience the good news of Jesus in a powerful way through this dynamic, word-for-word solo performance of Mark’s Gospel by actor Chris Coppolo. Based entirely on the New Testament book of Mark (NIV), Mark’s Gospel – Live Onstage! is an action-packed account of Jesus’ ministry, with all its urgency and power.
To learn more about this performance visit: https://thewordonstage.org/
There will be three showings. Doors open 30 minutes before show time.
Friday - 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Saturday - 2:00pm - 3:00pm*
Saturday - 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Purchase Tickets Now!
* The Saturday 2pm performance is an abbreviated version of the evening presentation.

Ridgehaven Summer Camp
Rising 6th-12th graders, Interested?
Contact youth@christourhopechurch.com for more info!

Jammie Jungle Jamboree
Bring your children to church in their jammies along with their favorite stuffed animal, pillow and a blanket. Together we will enjoy some pizza, crafts and the movie "The Riot and the Dance." Feel free to invite friends and neighbors!
Questions? Contact Molly

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God

Men's Carolina Mudcat Game Social
Men, come join us on 5/29 at 6 pm as the Carolina Mudcats take on the Delmarva Shorebirds at Five County Stadium in Zebulon! We have reserved a suite, and will be having food provided for the game. Seats are limited to the first 20 men that sign up.
To help defray some of our costs we are looking for $15 from those that attend.
Contact John Mainey (men@christourhopechurch.com) to sign up by May 13!

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God

Meet in the Street
Wake Forest Meet in the Street Festival May 4, 10am-4pm. We will be providing a nursing station and handing out fliers. Reach out to Tyler Aldridge (outreach@christourhopechurch.com) with questions.

Children's Park Date
Children's Park Date
Bring a picnic and enjoy fun and fellowship on Saturday, April 20 from 10-1 at the new Holding Park Inclusive Playground.

Youth Friday Night Hangout
Youth Friday Night Hangout- April 19 from 6:30-9pm at the McKnight's Home. For more info email youth@christourhopechurch.com

Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday Evening Sermon Series: The Identity and Attributes of God