Beloved, welcome to the web home of the “Greater” campaign. This page is designed to give you the information you need to understand the nature of this building campaign as well as a link to give to its success. “Greater” is the third development initiative at Christ Our Hope since 2018. The Lord has powerfully built our covenant community, our worship and discipleship and our mission over these last five years first with “Onward,” (2018) and then “BE BOLD” (2020-2022) and now, “Greater.”
“Greater" is more than a simple building campaign. It is a tool we are using to reach the people of Wake Forest with the gospel so that the glory of Lord will be “Greater.” Please take some moments to review the brochure below. Then join us in prayer and generosity so that one day soon we can break ground on N. White Street for the good of our town and the glory of the Lord!