Hello COH families!
You and your children are invited to come visit/tour our future building's Fire Station (420 Elm Ave, Wake Forest) on Sat. 12/9 from 10-11:30. We will be giving the fire station a basket filled with handmade cards, some goodies and a Harris Teeter gift card. Please have your child/children make a Christmas/Thank you card for the Fire Fighters and bring it to church by 12/2. All cards will be collected before the visit on Sunday mornings by Chrissy Sharpe. In addition, if you would like to give towards the gift card please let me know.
To add to the fun, if it's a nice day, there is a nice park nearby that might be fun to have a picnic and playdate afterwards. Kiwanis Park by the Wake Forest Library (400 E Holding Ave, Wake Forest).
Questions? email children@christourhopechurch.com